Tracks » Middle School White Track

Middle School White Track

Our White Track Middle School Program is a combination of an Independent/ Home Study and a Site-Based learning program. Students on this track receive their Independent Study assignments and materials weekly from the Teacher/ Educational Advisor. Students attend class twice a week as participants in a full day, grade-level classroom and primarily concentrate on Math and Language Art skills with an overview of Social Studies and Science weekly concepts. This provides students with the opportunity for clarification, feedback, and hands-on engagement in a twice-a-week classroom setting. Parents and students meet a minimum of once a month with the Teacher/ Educational Advisor to check on concept understanding and offer supports as needed. Classes will not exceed 26 students for K-8, White Track.
White Track parents/students meet with their advisor a minimum of once per month to discuss the student’s academic progress and set goals as needed. Students check out a Chromebook computer free of charge to be used at home and at school.
In addition, students have the option of one day a week enrichment workshops designed for their individual grade level, and student workshop schedule under the student programs tab for more detailed information. These workshops provide students a full day of enrichment classes designed to enhance student learning through hands-on learning activities. All White Track K-8 families also have opportunities for monthly field trips.
All 6th-8th grade students have the opportunity to participate in our middle athletic program. Which provides an additional opportunity for social interaction and Character building.