Advocacy » Charter School Advocacy

Charter School Advocacy

You’re a charter school supporter. Here are 5 things you may not know.

Here are five things that you may not know about charter schools:

  • Charter schools are public schools. Charter schools are tuition-free, public schools of choice open to any student.
  • Charter schools serve all students. Like California’s population, charter school students are incredibly diverse. Charter public schools have shown that students of all backgrounds can excel when given the opportunity.
  • Charter schools serve English Language Learners. A new report finds that charter public schools are helping English Language (“EL”) students do better in school.
  • Charter schools are exceeding academically. Charter schools are delivering on the promise of a great public education, especially in under-served communities. Research shows that charter school students are learning more each year, and graduating ready for college at higher rates than traditional public schools.
  • Thousands of parents are waiting for more charter schools. More and more families are demanding the charter school option as they learn that charter school students are doing better in school. Yet there is still an overwhelming unmet need for quality school options as over 158,000 students are on charter school waiting lists in California.

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Understanding California Charter Schools

California’s charter schools are…

Public, Tuition-Free, and Open to All: Charter schools are tuition-free, independently-run, non-profit, public schools that are open to all children, regardless of background or disability.

Results-Driven: Charter schools are transforming the lives of students by helping them unlock their full academic potential. Studies show charter students are making greater academic progress than their peers in traditional district schools.

Accountable: In exchange for more flexibility in how they deliver educational programs, charters must meet high standards of accountability to their families, the state and federal government. Charter schools must also meet rigorous academic, financial, and managerial standards.

Empowering Parents: Charter public schools provide parents with more options for their child’s education, allowing parents to choose the learning environment they feel is best for their child.

Safe: Charter public school are committed to providing a safe, structured, nurturing environment for students so they can focus on what matters most: their learning.

Partners in Education: Charter schools create a strong partnership between students, parents, and teachers that puts learning first. Charter schools make it possible for families to be more deeply involved in their child’s education.

Student-Centered: Charter schools are given more flexibility to develop custom education programs to meet each student’s unique needs.

Critical to California’s Education System: Charter public schools have an important role to play among the range of school options for parents. Whether public, private, religious, or trade, more strong schools tailored to the needs of children means more places where kids can get a great education, build skills, and develop the confidence to succeed in life.

Diverse: California’s charter school students are diverse and reflect their communities. As of the 2016-17 school year:

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