Tracks » High School Red Track

High School Red Track

“The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled.”
High School Red Track is a 9th-12th-grade Independent Study/Homeschool Track. Students are assigned an Educational Advisor who provides them with assigned work, meets with them weekly to go over completed work and projects, as well as assesses/evaluates what their students have accomplished.

The Educational Advisor also guides students towards a better understanding of conceptual content and operational elements in the curriculum. Red Track students meet with their advisor a minimum of once per week for individual support. All Red Track students are provided a Chromebook free of cost if needed.
In addition, High School Red Track student’s program of study includes A-G UC/CSU and dual/concurrent enrollment college courses. Students also have the opportunity to be assigned to on-site Blue Track classes such as Math, English, CTE courses, and other pathway electives. Students have the opportunity to be assigned to on-site blue track classes if space permits, or have the option to complete all courses at home and use a combination of classes using our online curriculum and online concurrent enrollment college course options.

All 9th-12th-grade students have the opportunity to participate in our High School athletic program. Which provides an additional opportunity for social interaction and Character building.
Art History

Glencoe: Art in Focus, 2006


Life Science
See assignment sheet


US History
US History Textbook

World History
World History Textbook

Government Textbook


Economics Textbook

Glencoe: Health

Biology – Flex
Biology Textbook